Music Makes Children Smarter

April 10, 2017

Music has incredible benefits for children! I have found music to be one of the most powerful ways to teach children, and there is a scientific reason behind it. Brain research shows us that music makes children smarter.

Miss Katie from Sound Pathways Music is a music therapist who is passionate about music as well as the science behind it, and she has written this article on the benefits of music. Early childhood research that tells us that musical foundations can change a child’s brain in ways that will benefit them for a lifetime. Her passion and inspiration came from watching her three daughters both succeed and overcome obstacles in their development through love, patience, and music.

How Music Makes Children Smarter

As a mom and music therapist, I subscribe completely to the joy of this sentiment: “A child who sings is a happy child.” I have had the honor of witnessing music’s abundant rewards in learning and engagement across the various domains of childhood development.

As a child sings, dances, and plays instruments, research indicates that they are building pathways in the brain that will benefit them for a lifetime.

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to change and adapt in response to it’s environment.

It is in the first three years of life that a child is forming the brain connections that will lay the foundation for the speech/language, motor, and cognitive skills they will use for years to come.

Through that magical world of play, our little ones begin to learn and assimilate information about themselves and the world. Providing a rich and varied musical environment for a child not only enhances their musical tastes and exploration, these playful, engaging musical experiences can facilitate life-changing skill acquisition.

Music Activates Both Hemispheres of the Brain

Children develop systematically along five domains: speech/language, fine motor, gross motor, cognition and social skills.

Not only is music a success oriented and engaging means of addressing these skill areas, music drives neuroplasticity by pairing non-musical skills with music. This engages multiple systems of the brain in synchrony and fosters communication between both hemispheres.

What does all of this mean for your preschooler? It means that not only is a child that sings “a happy child” they are also busy learning, practicing, and assimilating new information and skills.

(Article Credits: Katie@preschoolinspirations)

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  • Arde
    December 25, 2024 at 3:20 pm

    مقالة رائعة توضح كيف تسهم الموسيقى في تعزيز ذكاء الأطفال وتطوير مهاراتهم العقلية والعاطفية. إدخال الموسيقى في حياة الأطفال يعزز الإبداع والتركيز، مما يساعدهم على […] Read Moreمقالة رائعة توضح كيف تسهم الموسيقى في تعزيز ذكاء الأطفال وتطوير مهاراتهم العقلية والعاطفية. إدخال الموسيقى في حياة الأطفال يعزز الإبداع والتركيز، مما يساعدهم على تحقيق أداء أفضل في مختلف المجالات. هذه المعلومات تشجع الآباء على توفير بيئة غنية بالموسيقى لأطفالهم. لمزيد من التفاصيل القيمة، يمكنكم زيارة الرابط التالي: Regard Telkom University Jakarta. شكرًا على هذه الأفكار الملهمة! Read Less


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